Copier Comments are closed. If not you wil either get a login error, or failed to connect to server error. Try to scan and with any luck, you should have a PDF in the new folder you created. The security access permission window is displayed. To make it even easier for the user, explore to the shared folder, right click on ot and select "send to desktop" this will create a shortcut to the folder on the desktop.
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Click the [Security] tab and click [Edit].

How to setup SMB scanning on the Konica Minolta Bizhub copier to scan to a Windows Share

Notification of end of support products As of September 30,we discontinued dealing with Copy Protection Utility on our new products. I dissagree that this is the fastest way, although it does work the user has to open up IE, navigate to the web page, open the box, change the user box mode, specify the download settings, then finally download the file. Enter the information that you made a note of in "Checking the SMB server setting.

Notification of end of support products As of September 30,we discontinued scaner with Copy Protection Utility on our new scabner. Problem with bizhub c scanner.

Now open page scope as a user and touch the store address tab, select new registration, SMB. If everything works OK double check the settings in page scope. Right click "My Computer" and select manage. Centrally manages administrative operations of multiple devices. I just got confused. Complements the device audit log function by retaining the log over a longer term and browsing and searching it smoothly.

Now click on the Network Tab. If the 1st, double check your user name and password, if the 2nd, ensure you have entered the correct DNS information. Windows 10 Fall Creators Update Information. If the computer name or domain name is displayed in [From this location] c3533, the computer or domain name can be omitted.

Next Share that folder with Everyone in the share and give it full control. Print documents without installing a printer driver. This PlugIn is for Data Administrator.

Copier Comments are closed.

Scanner: Using Scan to SMB with Windows Shared Folder

In such cases, the target OS may not be correctly reflected in the pull-down menu. Scan to email requires some cooperation with the IT rep so I'll leave this scaner alone. Way too many steps and if something happens to HDD, all docs are gone. Set the image quality, resolution and other items. Windows 10 October Update. Give the one touch a name like "KMscans" Examplecheck off the use host name box and enter the computer name in the host xcanner field.

Set the original and press Start on the control panel. Login user password of the SMB server Windows computer.

In my case I am selecting New Registration. Are you in Europe? Set [Share name] as necessary. Concerning target drivers, etc.

Konica Minolta Drivers

I will not answer requests or questions there. You can search the SMB server shared folder by pressing [Browsing] after you enter the items. To permit accessors to delete a file, add a check mark to [Full control].

In addition, provision and support of download ended on September 30, Originally Posted by emujo.


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